This year marks the 50th anniversary of the death of one of the greatest artists of the 20th century, Pablo Picasso. For this reason, exhibitions and celebrations are being held throughout Spain and in Malaga, where he was born and spent part of his life, to commemorate this outstanding figure.
Who was Pablo Picasso?
Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) was a Spanish painter, sculptor and printmaker, considered one of the most important artists of the 20th century. His influence on art and culture was enormous and his style and technique inspired many artists.
Picasso was born in Malaga, Spain, but spent most of his life in France. He was considered a child prodigy, showing outstanding artistic ability. At the age of 14, he moved with his family to Barcelona, where he attended art school. At 16, he set off for Madrid to study at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando.

His early work included Impressionist and Post-Impressionist paintings, but he soon began to experiment with new styles and techniques, including Cubism. His work was often inspired by geometry and abstraction, with his paintings broken into pieces and depicting different viewpoints.
Picasso was a very prolific artist – his work encompasses a variety of works including painting, sculpture, printmaking, ceramics and textiles. They also covered a wide range of subjects, including portraits, still life, mythological, social and even erotic scenes. Picasso was not afraid of provoking extreme reactions and controversy with his works. At the same time, during the Second World War, he was active in the resistance movement and his works from this period reflected the artist’s political beliefs.
Picasso died in 1973 in Mougins, France, leaving behind a huge artistic legacy that continues to inspire and influence culture and the arts, and some of his most important works include: “Les Demoiselles d’Avignon” (1907), “Guernica” (1937), “Le Rêve” (1932) and “Les Noces de Pierrette” (1905).

Malaga celebrates the life of the Grand Master
Pablo Picasso is still regarded today as one of the most important representatives of modern art, who played a huge role in the development of artistic movements – such as Cubism and Surrealism. His works are known all over the world and have inspired many artists.
2023 marks the 50th anniversary of his death, hence the special celebrations and events commemorating the artist. These will focus on four exhibitions at the Picasso Museum in Malaga and Casa Natal (the house where Picasso was born). The message of the celebration of the year of Picasso takes many forms, but it particularly emphasises the artist’s links with the city. A website about Málaga and its relationship with the painter is being set up, travel cards will provide information about the anniversary, new books will be published and an audio guide to Picasso’s walking tours will be produced and downloadable to mobile phones.
To mark the anniversary of the Great Master’s death, a number of initiatives relating to his life and work are taking place in Malaga, where the Picasso Museum is located. At the museum you can see numerous works by the artist and learn more about his work. Tours of Málaga are also organised to see the sites associated with Picasso’s life.

The innovation for which the creator of Cubism was known throughout his life will be highlighted by two exhibitions at the Picasso Museum that are not to be missed: Materia y Cuerpo (about Picasso the sculptor – one of his least-known talents) – from 9 May to 10 September, followed by El Eco de Picasso, dedicated to his influence on art from the mid-20th century to the present day, which opens on 3 October.
The artist’s house in Malaga, where Picasso was born, will also be included in the anniversary celebrations. This is because it is the 35th anniversary of the foundation, which highlights and actively promotes Picasso’s relationship with Malaga. We know from information provided by the museum’s director, José María Luna, that an exhibition is planned at Casa Natal that will cover the different stages of Picasso’s work, with works on loan from the Queen Sofia Museum in Madrid, the Picasso Museum in Barcelona or the Mapfre Foundation.

All of Spain celebrates the year of Picasso
Pablo Picasso has undoubtedly gone down in art history, which is why the anniversary of his death will be celebrated not only in his hometown of Málaga, but also throughout Spain and the world. A total of 50 exhibitions are planned, 16 of which will take place in Spain, including Madrid or Barcelona:
- Coruña Museum of Fine Arts, A Coruña, Picasso – white in the memory of blue, 23.03.2023 – 23.06.2023,
- Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando, Madrid, Picasso. Nahmad Collection, 29.03.2023 – 02.07.2023,
- Picasso Museum, Málaga, Picasso: matter and body, 08.05.2023 – 10.09.2023,
- La Casa Encendida, Madrid, Picasso’s last works 1963 – 1972, 19.05.2023 – 17.09.2023,
- Prado National Museum, Madrid, Picasso – El Greco, 13.06.2023 – 17.09.2023,
- Picasso Family House Museum, Málaga, Picasso times, 21.06.2023 – 01.10.2023,
- Museo del Diseño de Barcelona, Picasso and Spanish ceramics, June-September 2023,
- Casa de Velázquez, Madrid, Picasso vs. Velázquez, September – November 2023,
- Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, Picasso: matter and the body, 29.09.2023 – 14.01.2024,
- Thyssen-Bornemisza National Museum, Madrid, Picasso. Sacrum and Profanum, 02.10.2023 – 14.01.2024,
- Picasso Museum, Málaga, Echoes of Picasso, 02.10.2023 – 24.03.2024,
- Picasso Museum, Barcelona / Joan Miró Foundation, Miró – Picasso, 19.10.2023 – 25.02.2024,
- National Museum Queen Sofia Art Centre, Madrid, Picasso 1906: The Great Transformation, 14.11.2023 – 04.03.2024.