Learn the secret to healthy living – Andalusia is all about sunshine, serenity, microclimates and delicious food: fresh fish and seafood, olive oil, aromatic herbs. Why has the Mediterranean diet won the ranking of most healthy in the WHO report for several years?
Once again the best
27 experts from around the world have declared the Mediterranean diet as the healthiest in the world for the fifth time. We are not surprised – looking at the people living on the Mediterranean, especially on the Costa del Sol – we can see that their lifestyle is very beneficial. Both for health and beauty!

Advantages of the Mediterranean diet
You could read about the best diets in the world in the US monthly magazine U.S. News & World Report. From what angle is it the best? It is simple, easy to follow, and people who eat according to its principles can quickly lose weight, also for a longer period of time, without the yo-yo effect. The diet is comprehensive, varied and can be followed for a long time. It is a way of healthy living rather than a short-lived, often debilitating binge. The Mediterranean diet is safe for health, it does not exclude micronutrients and ingredients that are important for the body.
The Mediterranean diet is recommended for people who want to take care of their heart and circulatory system, and its use helps prevent diabetes. What is another advantage? It is extremely easy to follow and quick. So, on hot, sunny days you don’t have to stand over pots for hours, but rather enjoy the Andalusian climate and the region’s characteristic lack of hurry.

What is eaten in the Mediterranean?
Above all, vegetables and fruit, legumes, carbohydrates with a low glycaemic index, containing a lot of fibre, which give a feeling of satiety but do not quickly raise the sugar level in the body. This diet is rich in omega-3 and omega-6 acids, which are contained in fish, seeds, nuts or olives. Less saturated fat is eaten because fatty meat is cooked less frequently. As you can see, this is a completely different perspective on cooking than the currently popular keto diet.
Vegetable fats help to maintain normal levels of good cholesterol, which promotes heart function. Features of this diet include light meals, avoiding deep frying, using vegetable fats. Dishes are cooked by steaming, grilled quickly. So there is no question of fatty dishes, bathed in cream with roux or fried in lard.

The scents of Andalusian cuisine
The dishes are seasoned with fresh herbs: basil, rosemary, thyme, garlic. This allows the use of salt to be reduced, which benefits the health benefits of the diet. Andalusian dishes are light and aromatic, just right for warm summer days. For example, salmorejo, an Andalusian tomato cooler made with eggs, or ajoblanco, a cooler made with almonds, bread, oil and garlic, as well as the traditional gazpacho, are prepared here. Spanish cuisine is also known for tapas – small snacks prepared in thousands of different ways. Tapas are served in bars specialising in their preparation, but also in luxury beach clubs or at parties in elegant villas by the sea.

You can read more about Andalusian food and recommended restaurants, including those where you can see a show of real flamenco, here.