Further to the previous blog post – below is the update that was announced on 10.12.2020.
Andalusia is embarking on a period of gradual de-escalation of the restrictions imposed to contain the spread of coronavirus.
This is all thanks to a significant decrease in infections.The number of new infections in the last 14 days in Andalusia is 150 per 100,000 inhabitants (in Málaga 120; in Marbella 109). Number of tests performed per 1,000 inhabitants: Spain 2.7; Germany 2.2; Poland 0.8.
In Marbella, only 31 cases per 100,000 have been reported in the last seven days.
The following restrictions in force between 12 December 2020 and 6 January 2021.
First phase: Saturday 12 December to Thursday 17 December
- mobility between municipalities in the same province will be allowed
- curfew in effect between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m.
- restriction on leaving the province is upheld
- shops are extending their opening hours until 21:00.
- restaurants open until 6 pm; from 6 pm to 9.30 pm only take away
Second phase: from Friday 18 December to 10 January
- mobility between the different provinces of Andalusia will be allowed
- The curfew is in force from 23:00 to 6:00.
- shops open during normal business hours
- restaurants open until 18.00 and then 20.00-22.30
Christmas period: 23 December to 6 January
- entry into and exit from Andalusia permitted
- family home meetings are increased to a maximum of 10 people on 24, 25 and 31 December and 1 January. The other days a maximum of 6 is maintained.
- curfew on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve is delayed until 1.30 a.m.